This is it folks, the half way point to the 100th 3pm Injection! I know that's not the most exciting thing ever, but come next week 3pm turns 1 year old! The 15th, to be exact. That's
got to be something to get excited about, right?
And if that's not exciting enough for you, just wait until you see what we come up with over the next 50 Injections. :)
Be sure to check out my friend Andy's first
3pm Booster also. He's got some really great stuff, and I personally like the name he has for the new series. Together, we'll give you more than what your ears require and continue to administer additional sounds as prescribed to you by your local musician. (some side effects include: emotional response in a variety of forms, repetition of a catchy song in your head for hours on end, and the urge to hear more music in unhealthy quantities.)
3pm: "Beware the Ides of March"
Cantaloop [Instrumental] Herbie Hancock - Rockit Prince - 1999 TSP - Natural Born DJ 50 Cent - Outta Control
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